Still keen to learn more? Check out the list of resources below…. (Links, Articles, Videos & More)

Many of the resources below are related to the lesson content you just finished. These are designed to further deepen your knowledge across these areas. For those are eager for further learnings, we’ve added additional links to related content not covered in the lesson.

Title Generator

Portent's Content Idea Generator

Advanced Marketing Institute (Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer)

Blog About

Blog Title Generator by SEOPressor

CoSchedule (Chrome Extension, Website)


Grammarly (Chrome Extension, Website)

Pro Writing Aid (Chrome Extension, Website)

Here are some hand-picked resources for you to deepen your knowledge on this topic...

Article: Earned Media Value (EMV) Formula for Social Media Marketing

Article: How to Write Headlines That People Just Have to Click

Article: 10 Most Powerful Words for Creating Catchy Headlines

Tools: Portent Tools

Article: 7 Ways to Use CoSchedule Headline Analyzer for Clickworthy Headlines

Article: 10 Powerful Content Automation AI Tools to Replace Content Writers

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