Why do you need to learn this skill and what are you going to learn in this lesson?

If you want to do digital marketing, you need to have a vast knowledge about consumer and about the audience you want to target. For you to do this, I strongly recommend you to choose a bunch of free and low-cost tools that you can use around the web.

Now, I am showing you a good number of these tools, and you can choose according to you because every tool works differently than others, and some suit different marketers. For example, logic prefers social listening tools, and such small tools prefer the free one like Google Ads. I am going to describe where you can find the best tools to help you get deeper insights. Now, this is really important for you to understand because no matter what you do in marketing, it is going to come down to consumer insights. Whether you are building a brand or you are trying to run a direct response campaign, or you are an entrepreneur who is trying to make a Facebook page, these are really important skills for you to learn. 

Let’s have a look at how to generate consumer insight to increase your social and content marketing performance.

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