Why do you need to learn this skill and what are you going to learn in this lesson?

In today’s world, marketers are engaging with social media influencers more and more. This is because, there’s never been more influences out there to go and do business with and share their positive experiences with their communities. 

However, we get to know speaking with many brands and marketers, they’ve become really frustrated dealing with social influencers. Sometimes, they get banned from their communities. Because it isn’t real or they’ve got the wrong account and they’re doing business with an influencer overseas or they’re not protected with the right contract, or the right elements on the contract. When things go pale shaped, there’s nothing to come back to, or how do you even go about finding influencers. 

Those four things are going to be answered in this lesson where we are going to look at how to find, evaluate, select and develop contracts; look at the guideline around how marketers and businesses can engage with social media marketers.

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