Why do you need to learn this skill and what are you going to learn in this lesson?

There are many different techniques & strategies to convert more visitors to customers or client. What we are trying to do here is to increase your conversion rate and that means we need to do a lot of work to make visitors your clients. 

That sounds pretty impressive, but when we break it down, there are strategies and tools that we employ, and then we look a whole bunch of tools and marketing technology that can help us increase our conversion rates.

Within this lesson, we are going to look at the major strategies, have a look at some of the tools that could hit, make or crush your website. Some of the tools that can change elements of landing pages automatically so you increase your conversion rate. 

I’m going to look at a pretty big website in the travel category and show you some of the conversion rate optimization strategy they are running as you look over my shoulder. 

That’s what’s in store for this lesson on CRO or turning visitors into customers.

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